
Elliptical Side Effects That Will Surprise You

Elliptical Side Effects That Will Surprise You

Elliptical Side Effects That Will Surprise You

Elliptical machines are a staple cardio option in most gyms and fitness centers. With their smooth, circular pedaling motion, ellipticals provide a solid aerobic workout while placing less impact on the joints than exercises like running. For this reason, they are often perceived as a safe, low-impact way to elevate the heart rate and burn calories.

However, despite their joint-friendly reputation, using an elliptical can lead to overuse issues and unnecessary strain on parts of the body with improper technique or excessive use. Many elliptical side effects take people by surprise.

While ellipticals carry benefits like building cardio endurance, strengthening the lower body, and providing a moderate sweat session, overdoing it or using poor form can lead to unintended consequences. Here are some of the most surprising side effects that can arise from frequent elliptical use.

Common Elliptical Side Effects

Certain side effects are widely known as risks of elliptical training. These include:

Lower Body Overuse Injuries

The constant circular pedaling motion of ellipticals side effect involves a lot of repetitive stress on the joints and muscles of the lower body. This can lead to overuse issues like shin splints, knee tendinitis, Achilles tendonitis, and hip flexor strains over time, especially when used for long durations.

Changing direction or intensity frequently can help avoid placing too much strain on any one area of the lower extremities. Also build in rest days to allow tissues to recover.

Muscle Imbalances

The elliptical motion works the leg muscles differently than regular walking and running. This can cause strength imbalances in the lower body between the quads and hamstrings, hips, and calves. Strengthening exercises that target these muscle groups can help compensate.

Excess Wear on Joints

While ellipticals have some impact absorption, the smooth motion still places stress on weight-bearing joints of the lower body. Those already prone to arthritis or joint issues may experience exacerbated symptoms over time with frequent elliptical training.

Post-Workout Dizziness

Intense, long elliptical side effect in workout can sometimes trigger lightheadedness or dizziness. This occurs from blood pooling in the lower extremities which reduces blood return to the heart. Go slower, take breaks, stay hydrated, and cool down properly.

While these common side effects may occur, there are also some rather surprising elliptical dangers that users should be aware of.

Surprising Elliptical Side Effects

Elliptical Side Effects That Will Surprise You

These less expected elliptical risks catch many people off guard:

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Proper posture is important on ellipticals to avoid straining the upper body. Holding the handles with arms stretched forward puts strain on the shoulders, upper back, and neck. This can cause muscle tightness and pinching.

Keep elbows bent at 90 degrees and shoulders back to maintain good posture. Raise the handles if needed to keep arms lower.

Numb Toes and Feet

The smooth, nonstop motion of the elliptical foot pedals promotes blood flow to the lower legs. However, this constant stimulation can cause numbness or tingling in the feet and toes from compression of nerves or blood vessels.

Take occasional breaks to move and flex the feet and wiggle the toes. Adjusting fit can also help take off pressure.

Hand and Wrist Issues

Holding onto the stationary handles for balance recruits muscles in the hands and forearms. Gripping tightly or supporting weight can inflame tendons in the wrists or hands over time leading to injuries like tendinitis.

Keep a light but steady grip on handles without straining. If experiencing discomfort, lay off the handles and simply use for balance as needed.

Lower Back Problems

Poor posture, core weakness, improper seat height, and suboptimal gait can all contribute to low back pain from using ellipticals. The slightly unnatural motion challenges the back if the core isn’t engaged.

Maintain strong upright posture. Adjust heights for optimal knee bend and stride length. Strengthen the core properly outside of elliptical workouts as well.

Causes of Elliptical Side Effects

What causes some of these surprising elliptical risks and problems to arise in users? A few common reasons include:

Poor Form and Posture

One of the main triggers of elliptical side effects is improper technique and posture. Slouching the shoulders, arching the back, letting the knees cave inward, and pedaling with an abnormal gait all distribute impact poorly. This leads to pain and strain.

Going Too Hard or Long

Using the elliptical for very long, intense sessions without breaks places excessive stress on the muscles, joints, and tendons. It’s important to start low, progress gradually, and avoid overdoing durations.

Lack of Recovery Time

Using the elliptical day after day doesn’t allow the body enough rest between workouts for muscles, connective tissues, and joints to fully recover. Varying cardio modes and scheduling rest days prevents overuse.

Improper Settings/Configuration

The wrong resistance, incline, stride length, or seat height based on your height and fitness level can throw off mechanics and cause discomfort. Personalize the settings appropriately.

How to Prevent Elliptical Side Effects

To avoid the surprising side effects of elliptical exercise, keep these tips in mind:

Use Proper Form and Vary Workouts

Maintain good posture and body positioning throughout the motion. Start slow to reinforce proper alignment and gait. Cross-train and avoid doing long elliptical-only workouts day after day.

Listen to Your Body and Take Breaks

Pay attention to any discomfort during exercise and respond early before it escalates into an injury. Build in rest intervals, stretch periodically, and don’t push through pain.

Adjust Settings for Proper Ergonomics

Customize the elliptical resistance, incline, stride length, and handle height based on your height and ability level for optimal comfort and mechanics.

Do Supporting Exercises and Stretches

Perform stretches that target the calf muscles, hip flexors, chest, neck, shoulders, and core to counteract imbalances. Light resistance training also helps strengthen muscles worked on the elliptical.

Consider Elliptical Alternatives

Substitute some elliptical workouts with lower impact options like swimming, rowing machines, or the stationary bike to give joints a break from the repetitive circular pedaling motion.

Is elliptical side effect dangerous for health

At first glance, elliptical machines seem like a perfectly safe, low-impact form of exercise. However, despite their joint-friendly reputation, using an elliptical can actually lead to pain and injury when done incorrectly or in excess. But are these common elliptical side effects truly dangerous for your long-term health?

While ellipticals carry risks, they are generally not hazardous if you listen to warning signs from your body and take a balanced approach. That said, pushing through pain repeatedly or failing to address emerging problems can lead to chronic issues down the road.

Muscular imbalances

One of the biggest dangers with elliptical side effects is developing muscular imbalances or body asymmetry. The smooth, circular pedaling motion works your leg muscles very differently than regular walking. This can create strength imbalances between the quads and hamstrings or calves. Ignoring this can impact stability and lead to strains or tears.

Tear on joints

Excessive, high-resistance elliptical training may also accelerate wear and tear on joints like the knees, hips, or ankles. Those already prone to osteoarthritis or cartilage conditions can see aggravated symptoms over time if not careful.

Pinched nerves

The hunched over posture many assume on the machine can compress the neck, back, and shoulders resulting in pinched nerves or poor muscle activation patterns. Back pain emerging from elliptical use often indicates larger issues.

However, taking appropriate precautions can mitigate risks. Be mindful not to overdo durations or resistance levels, especially when first starting out. Vary your cardio with lower impact activities like swimming or the stationary bike to give joints a break. And most importantly, listen to your body. If you feel pain, take a break and address it promptly before it worsens.

As with any exercise equipment, correct form is also essential on ellipticals. Setting the handles, stride length, resistance, and incline appropriately for your height and fitness abilities helps maintain proper alignment and reduce injury risk. Avoid gripping handles tightly or leaning forward excessively.

For most people, using the elliptical machine responsibly does not pose major dangers, especially when counteracted with muscle-balancing and joint-friendly exercises. But repeatedly ignoring emerging pain or dysfunction from elliptical use can accelerate joint degeneration and muscle asymmetries. Incorporate variety, moderation, and smart programming into your workouts to reap the cardio benefits safely long-term.


While ellipticals provide an effective cardio and strength training option for many, overdoing durations, using improper form, and failing to take breaks can lead to surprising overuse issues and injuries. Be attentive to posture and technique, customize settings appropriately, listen to your body, incorporate lower impact cross-training, and address problems early.

When used carefully for reasonable durations along with proper recovery practices, ellipticals can be part of a healthy, balanced fitness routine. But beware of excessive use or pushing through discomfort that can take you off guard. With smart programming and caution, you can reap the cardio benefits of ellipticals and elliptical side effect while avoiding their less publicized risks.

FAQs: Elliptical Side Effects That Will Surprise You

Can using the elliptical cause neck and shoulder pain?

Yes, leaning forward with arms stretched out on the handles can strain the neck, upper back, and shoulders leading to pain. Maintain good upright posture.

Why might my toes or feet go numb on the elliptical?

The constant motion can compress nerves or blood flow causing tingling or numbness in the feet and toes. Take breaks and adjust fit to reduce pressure.

How could using the elliptical cause hand and wrist injuries?

Gripping the handles too tightly while bearing weight through the arms can inflame tendons leading to issues like tendinitis over time.

Can the elliptical contribute to lower back problems?

Yes, poor posture, improper seat height, and weak core engagement during use can strain the lower back leading to pain.

Why might I feel dizzy after an elliptical workout?

Going too hard or long can cause blood to pool in the lower extremities, reducing return to the heart and triggering lightheadedness.

Can frequent elliptical use cause muscle imbalances?

Yes, the motion works leg muscles differently than walking which can create muscle strength imbalances between the quads, hamstrings, etc.

Is it common to get shin splints using the elliptical?

Overuse from repetitive stress on the lower legs during extended durations can contribute to shin splints over time.

How can I prevent surprising elliptical side effects?

Maintain proper form and posture, take breaks, customize settings appropriately for you, strengthen muscles, and cross train with lower impact activities.

Why should I vary my elliptical workouts?

Using the elliptical the exact same way day after day can lead to repetitive stress. Mix up duration, resistance, and incorporate cross-training.

How often should I use the elliptical machine?

Limit elliptical workouts to 30-45 minutes max, 3-4 days per week. Take at least 1-2 rest days for muscle recovery.

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